Rod Andrewartha Photography: Blog en-us (C) Rod Andrewartha Photography [email protected] (Rod Andrewartha Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:42:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:42:00 GMT Rod Andrewartha Photography: Blog 90 120 Blog Page Test The quick brown fox

[email protected] (Rod Andrewartha Photography) Sat, 27 Dec 2014 00:21:13 GMT
Hallowed be the mundane

Standing at the top of the ladder looking over the used car lot all I could think was “this is going to be a routine shot.” But then I just waited while the breeze blew the green, yellow, red, and blue pennants crisscrossing above the cars. Customers walked slowly around, speaking to each other in low, buzzing tones like a bunch of bees pollinating a meadow of blossoming clover. I took all of this in with an almost detached, dream-like sense of floating from on top of the ladder. Then suddenly all hell broke loose, and I started snapping away with my camera.

[email protected] (Rod Andrewartha Photography) Train Tue, 16 Jul 2013 18:14:50 GMT